Author Archive


About us

September 10, 2009

Labor Force Dances is Stephanie Blackmon Woodbeck and Kathleen Kelley.  It makes dances in two cities: Minneapolis-St. Paul and New York City.  It has a roster of amazing dancers who give their time with such enthusiasm. It is about the lives and artistry of two women and friends.  It advocates feminism loudly.  Labor Force is about sweaty, physical dances.  Its about little girls and tutus and big blasts of emotions and the little subtleties of life. Its about making dances you see live, you see online, or you never get to see because they are made in our kitchens.

In this blog, Stephanie and Kathleen will talk about what we’re doing, what we’ve been seeing, what we’ve been rehearsing and what arty (or otherwise) ideas have been flowing around our heads.  We hope you–our readers, viewers, and favorite people–will engage with us and share all your amazing thoughts and interests and ideas and feedback.